COVID-19 Autumn Booster and Health Check Event a Success!
5th October 2023
The Autumn Booster and Health Check Event held on 5th October was a great success, despite the rain! We were overwhelmed by the great turnout and the enthusiasm of our community. It was heartwarming to see everyone taking steps to get vaccinated and prioritize their health and wellbeing.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our wonderful partners who made this event possible: Chung Wah Supermarket, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership Foundation NHS, The Living Well Bus, and our Chinese Wellbeing team. Your hard work and dedication has had a positive impact in the community.
One of those attending the bus told us that it was fantastic to have such a great event and in a convenient location. As active participants in the Community Champions Network, funded by Liverpool City Council, we are pleased to be supporting the delivery of essential Community Vaccine Support Services to our community. Our aim is to ensure that everyone has access to the information and support they need to make informed decisions about their health.
If you have not yet received your Autumn Booster, please visit NHS Covid-19-services or call 119 to book an appointment. It is important to stay up-to-date on your vaccinations to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19.
10月5日舉辦的秋季加強針健康檢查活動,儘管下著雨,仍然取得了圓滿成功! 我們對社區的熱情參與和出席感到非常感激。 感受到每個人都積極接種疫苗,並優先關心自己的健康和福祉,實在令人欣慰。
衷心感謝我們的合作夥伴:中華超市、柴郡和威勒爾合作基金會NHS、The Living Well Bus 以及我們的團隊,您的辛勤工作和奉獻精神對社區產生了積極的影響。 一位公眾人士對這項活動表示了高度讚譽,稱在這個便捷地點舉辦如此活動非常出色。作為利物浦市政府資助的社區推廣網絡的成員之一,我們很高興為社區提供基本的社區疫苗支持服務。 我們致力於確保每個人都能獲得所需的資訊和支持,以便為自己的健康做出明智的決定。
如果您尚未接種秋季加強針疫苗,請瀏覽 NHS Covid-19 服務或致電119 預約。 請務必了解最新的疫苗接種情況,以保護自己和您家人免受 COVID-19 的感染。