New Students in Liverpool Receive GP Registration Support


18th & 19th September 2023

We were once again invited by Healthwatch Liverpool  to join them at the Liverpool Guild of Students to welcome new students and assist them with their GP registration. Registering with a General Practice is crucial for students, especially those who are new to the city and unfamiliar with the healthcare system. Liverpool’s diverse student population, made up of both domestic and international students, requires easy access to healthcare to ensure a seamless transition to University life. 

Our team and staff from Healthwatch Liverpool provided guidance and support over two consecutive days engaging with hundreds of new students and helping them to understand the healthcare resources available and ensuring that they were registered with a GP practice.  

We extend our appreciation to Healthwatch Liverpool, the University of Liverpool, and all the students who engaged with us during this event. Together, we’re making healthcare accessible to all and building a more supportive community. If you are a new student in Liverpool, we encourage you to register with a GP as soon as possible. This will help you to ensure that you have access to the healthcare you need while you are away from home. Students can find a list of GPs in their area on the NHS website


註冊全科醫生對於學生來說至關重要,尤其是對那些剛來到這個城市且不熟悉醫療保健系統的學生。 利物浦由本地和國際學生組成的多元化學生群體,他們需要便利的醫療資源,以確保他們能夠順利過渡到大學生活。我們的團隊與利物浦健康觀察團的工作人員連續兩天為數百名新生提供了指導和支持,幫助他們了解可用的醫療資源,並確保他們在全科醫生診所註冊。

我們很感謝利物浦健康觀察團、利物浦大學以及所有參與本次活動的學生。 我們共同致力於讓所有人都能獲得醫療保健服務,並建立更具支持性的社區。如果您是利物浦的新生,我們鼓勵您盡快註冊全科醫生。 這將確保您及時 獲得所需的醫療保健。 學生可以在英國國民保健署(NHS)網站上找到附近地區的全科診所名單

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