Think Brain Health project 大腦健康項目
October 2022
We have recently co-produced a leaflet and poster with our Evergreen Club arts group under the Think Brain Health project, funded by ARUK Inspire grant in partnership with University of Wolverhampton and 4 other Chinese community organisations from across the UK – The posters and leaflets are now ready to distribute to our community in order to raise awareness of dementia and help to promote key messages on how to keep your brain healthy. Well done to Evergreen Club arts group members who took part in the research and helped to produce interesting and informative leaflets.
我們最近參與的 Think Brain Health 項目,與我們的常青俱樂部藝術班會員共同製作了傳單和海報,該項目由 ARUK Inspire 資助,與Wolverhampton大學和其他 4 個來自英國的華人社區組織合作 。海報和傳單現在已準備好將分發給我們的社區,以提高人們對腦退化症的認識,並幫助宣傳有關如何保持大腦健康的關鍵信息。非常感激常青俱樂部藝術班會員,參加研究並幫助製作這個有趣且內容豐富的傳單。