Visit The Reader at Calderstones in winter 2022
冬季日游The Reader Calderstones 公園 2022
15th November 2022
Evergreen Club members were invited by The Reader, a wellbeing charity based in the beautiful Calderstones Park to attend a second event relating to their project called Trees from Around the World. We learned about the amazing collection of trees from across the globe exploring hidden stories and cultures behind the trees. Members provided valuable insight into Chinese culture for The Trees from Around The World Map which will enable visitors to travel the world and learn about different cultures without leaving the park. Everyone enjoyed the visit which combined nature, reading and reminiscence. Thank you to The Reader for your kind hospitality and particularly to Holly for a very enjoyable afternoon.
常青俱樂部成員應 The Readers 福利慈善機構邀請, 日游位於美麗的 Calderstones公園。參加他們的“來自世界各地的樹木”項目第二次活動。我們了解了來自世界各地的令人驚嘆的樹木收藏,探索了樹木背後隱藏的故事和文化。成員們為世界各地的樹木地圖提供了對中國文化的寶貴見解,讓遊客足不出戶就能環遊世界,了解不同的文化。 每個人都喜歡這次結合了大自然、閱讀和回憶的探访。 感謝 The Reader 的盛情款待,特別感謝 Holly 让大家度過了一個愉快的下午。