Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration 2021 


20th September 2021

Evergreen Club members welcomed the long awaited annual celebration which took place at our new venue. Members enjoyed a range of cultural activities including Chinese opera. In keeping with Evergreen Club tradition, the event finished with a mini prize draw.. Our thanks go to everyone who helped during the event and for the generosity shown by the community and members for their raffle prize donations which were amazing.

常青俱樂部會員對在我們新場地舉行期待已久的年度中秋慶祝活動感到欢欣鼓舞。 慶祝活動包括一系列文化活動,会員們特别陶醉于中國戲曲。 按照常青俱樂部的傳統,活動以万众期待抽獎欢乐中結束。我們感謝所有在活動期間提供幫助的人,感謝社區和會員慷慨捐贈的抽獎獎品。 让我们传达给多温暖。 公益最终的归宿是给予人以快乐, 让更多人能了解公益, 感受公益才是社会需要达到的彼岸。

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