Visit The Reader at Calderstones in Spring 2022

春季日游The Reader Calderstones 公園 2022

 30th March 2022

Many thanks to The Reader , a wellbeing charity based in Calderstones Park for offering our Chinese Wellbeing Evergreen Club members the opportunity to take part in a project called Trees from Around the World. The aim of the project is to unearth the hidden stories and cultures behind the trees in the park, particularly relevant to our members as some of the trees are from China. Members shared a day of nature and reminiscence in the beautiful and peaceful environment of Calderstones Park. A special thanks to Holly, who helped us to discover the heritage of the Mansion House and the park. Members had a great time and enjoyed sharing a meaningful conversation about the cultural association of the trees based on our own Chinese culture and beliefs. Thanks again, we will definitely come back to visit you in the summer.

非常感謝位於Calderstone Park的福祉慈善機構 The Reader 為我們的華人身心健康常青俱樂部會員提供了參加名為“來自世界各地的樹木”的項目的機會。該項目的目的是挖掘公園樹木背後隱藏的故事和文化,特別是與我們的會員相關的故事和文化,因為其中一些樹木來自中國。會員們在美麗而寧靜的Calderstone公園度過了美麗而寧靜的一天,擁抱大自然和懷緬美好的回憶。特別感謝霍莉,她帶領我們探索Mansion House和公園的歷史遺產。會員們都受益良多,又增廣見聞而且郊遊公園讓大家心曠神怡 ,也就基於我們自己的中國文化和信仰的樹木文化關聯進行了有意義的對話。再次感謝,我們一定會在夏天再次暢遊Calderstone Park。

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