Covid Vaccination and Health Check Pop up Event at Chung Wah Supermarket


5th June 2023

People from the Chinese community especially the older generation may find it difficult to access mainstream health services due to the language barrier. We have partnered with Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust to hold a Covid vaccination and Health Check Pop up Clinic at the Chung Wah Supermarket to ensure our communities can easily access Covid-19 vaccines and physical health checks. Many thanks to Chung Wah Supermarket for supporting the event, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Living well bus services and our dedicated team to make this event a great success. 

華人社區裡尤其是老一輩的人,可能會發現由於語言障礙而難以獲得主流醫療服務。我們與 Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 合作,在中華超市舉辦春季加強疫苗接種和健康檢查流動診所,以確保我們的社區可以更容易獲得 Covid-19 疫苗和身體健康檢查。非常感謝中華超市對我們活動的支持,Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 的Living well bus服務和我們敬業的團隊讓活動取得了圓滿成功。關注我們,及時查看活動詳細信息。

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