Chinese Wellbeing and Pine Court Housing Collaborate to empowering wellbeing of Elderly Residents
September 2023 – June 2024
We are excited to share our latest updates on our collaborative journey with Pine Court Housing – Chung Hok House program as we reach our third session in November. With the trust and generosity of Pine Court Housing, Chinese Wellbeing has developed a programme of activities for the residents living at Chung Hok House close to Chinatown.
The winter season, while traditionally a time of festive gatherings with friends and family, can be a challenging season due to harsh weather conditions which often immobilises many older residents. Recognising this, we have developed a programme to keep people entertained and physically fit during the colder months. The programme includes our culturally adapted Love to Move program, a chair-based program developed by the British Gymnastics Foundation.. The program offers a number of benefits for older adults, including improved cognitive functioning and balance, improved physical health, and improved social connection and mental wellbeing. The past two sessions were held alongside a live stream with our club members, which allowed residents to connect with others in the community and feel more active and engaged in life.
Thank you again Pine Court Housing Association. We look forward to working with you to create a healthier and more active community in the next few months. Join us for our upcoming sessions, including our festive arts and crafts and ever popular Tea House. Our next session is on 6/12/2023. We hope to see you there!
我們很高興與大家分享我們與松園合作計劃的最新進展,因為我們將於 11 月舉行第三次活動。 在松園的信任和慷慨支持下,華人身心健康為居住在唐人街附近松鶴樓的長者居民制定了一項特別活動計劃。
冬季一般是與朋友和家人歡聚的季節,但惡劣的天氣條件經常使許多長者居民減少外出。 意識到這一點,我們制定了一項計劃,旨在為居民在寒冷的月份得到娛樂和保持身體健康。 該計劃包括我們因應文化而改編的Love to Move「愛運動」 ,這是由英國體操基金會開發的一項以椅子為基礎的運動計劃。該計劃為長者提供了許多好處,包括改善認知功能及平衡、改善身體健康和改善社會聯繫和心理健康。 過去的兩場活動是與我們的俱樂部會員一起進行直播的,這讓居民能夠與社區中的其他人聯繫,並感到更加積極和融入生活。
再次感謝松園房屋協會。 我們期待在未來幾個月內與您合作,共同打造一個更加健康和充滿活力的社群。歡迎您參與我們即將舉行的活動,包括我們的節日繪畫和手藝班以及廣受歡迎的樂天茶座。 我們的下一次活動將於 12 月 6 日。 到時見!