Chinese New Year Lantern Project-Year of Tiger 2022


24th January 2022

lantern project cny 2022

Evergreen Club members proudly present the results of all their hard work taken to produce fantastic art work for St Luke’s (Bombed Out) Church Lantern project! Their artworks are awesome. Each individual design was wrapped onto a 3D lantern, and projected onto the Church from Friday 4th-Sunday 6th February, 6pm-9pm. Thanks to everyone who took part and particularly to Nannan for her creative guidance .

我們常青俱樂部成員自豪地展示了他們為參與 Bombed Out Church 農曆新年中國彩燈項目展示所做的辛勤傑作!他們春節繪畫都很精美又用心,顯示大家心中傳統意義上的春節 。每個單獨的設計都被展示在一個 3D 燈籠上,並在 2 月 4 日星期五至 2 月 6 日星期日下午 6 點至晚上 9 點期間投射到Bombedout Church 教堂上。感謝所有參與的人,特別是囡囡的創作指導。

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