Chinese Wellbeing Receives High Sheriff of Merseyside Award
12th April 2023
We were honoured to have attended a recent awards ceremony and to receive an award from the High Sheriff of Merseyside in recognition of our great and valuable services to the community. The High Sheriff , Lesley Martin-Wright has attended over 400 engagements and met hundreds of people within the voluntary sector during her year in office. It is therefore an honour and a privilege for our organisation to be presented with this award. Congratulations to everyone receiving an award and thanks to the entire team for this wonderful achievement. It is well deserved!
我們深感榮幸前晚獲得英國皇室任命的默西塞德郡禮儀官員,名譽部長(High sheriff)獎狀,以表彰為社區提供的卓越而有價值的服務。 去年,名譽部長HS Lesley Martin-Wright 參加了 400 多次訪問/活動,並會見了慈善和志願部門的數百人,因此我們的組織很榮幸獲得這個獎項。也祝賀所有獲得該獎項的人,我們要感謝團隊的每個人為之付出的努力取得了可喜的成绩,一切也都值得和當之無愧!