Explore Liverpool’s Park with Nordic Walking! 


Get active, have fun, and connect with nature! We’re delighted to continue offering our popular Nordic Walking program in Liverpool’s beautiful parks.  For the past two years, we’ve been grateful for the suppor tof the Greenspace project, funded by the Green Recovery Challenge Fund. This funding allowed us to host numerous walks in local green spaces like Port Sunlight, Birkenhead Park, Crosby Marine Park, Sefton Park and Calderstone Parks. We received fantastic feedback, as many walkers dicovered the joy of increased physical activity and social connection.

保持活躍,享受樂趣,擁抱大自然!我們很高興宣布,利物浦公園的北歐健步活動將繼續舉辦!在過去的兩年裡,我們通過 Green Recovery Challenge Fund 基金資助的綠色空間項目,在利物浦的許多公園舉辦了北歐健步活動。這些活動取得了巨大成功,受到了廣大社區居民的喜愛。因為許多步行者發現了增加身體活動和社交聯繫的樂趣。 北欧式健走比一般走路更健身的七个原因

The good news is we’re continuing the program this summer! Even without the funding, we’re committed to helping our community embrace nature in a friendly group setting and maintain a good wellbeing and healthy body. Our new trip starts next week! No matter your experience level, we welcome you to join us. Get ready to explore Liverpool’s parks in a whole new way! What our walkers say

好消息是我們今年夏天將繼續該計劃! 即使沒有資金,我們也致力於幫助我們的社區在友善的團體環境中擁抱大自然,並保持良好的身心健康。 我們的新旅程下週開始! 無論您的經驗水平如何,我們都歡迎您加入我們。 準備好以全新的方式繼續探索利物浦的公園,享受健康!看看我們的步行者的評語

Date 日期:Every Tuesday 每週二
Time 時間:10:30am- 1:30pm
Parks 地點:Livepool’s Park ( To be announced weekly)
Entrance 費用:£6 ( Members 會員 ), £8 (Non-Members 非會員)
Register Online  網上報名  

We offer free Nordic pole rentals, but quantities are limited. Register today to secure yours! Call Nannan 0151-7092643

免費借用健步杖(數量有限)請儘早報名!楠楠 0151-7092643

Nordic walk 2024 poster

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