Winning the ‘Most Beautiful Tree’ Competition


19th December 2021

To all our Evergreen Club’ members, Congratulations for winning this year’s ‘most beautiful Christmas tree’ competition at St Bride’s Christmas Tree Festival. You’ve all worked so hard for this under the excellent direction of Nannan, our Community Health Activities Coordinator. What an impressive achievement!

致我們常青俱樂部的所有會員,恭喜您贏得今年“ St Bride’s 聖誕樹節“最美麗聖誕樹”比賽。 在我們的社區健康活動協調員囡囡的出色指導下,您們都為此付出了巨大的努力。 這是多麼令人喜悦的榮耀啊!

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