Liverpool Chinese Dementia Support Network

If you’ve been worrying about your memory problem, or recently been diagnosed with Dementia, you probably feel overwhelmed and unsure of what the future holds for you. The creation of the first Chinese Dementia Support Network has been a welcome relief for those living with dementia and their families and carers. The Network hopes to build on peer support and meets every month to discuss the challenges of living with dementia and the practical ways in which everyday issues may be overcome to make life easier. The Network is open to anyone who has received a recent diagnosis and their carers.

如果您一直擔心自己的記憶問題,或者最近被診斷出患有腦退化,您可能會感到不知所措,並且不確定自己的未來會怎樣。 第一個首創華人腦退化症支援小組對腦退化症患者及其家人和照顧者來說是一種可喜的安慰。該網絡希望通過同伴支持的基礎,並每月相聚一次,討論患有腦退化症的挑戰以及克服日常問題以使生活更輕鬆的實用方法。小組開放给最近接受診斷的患者,其家人及其護理人員。

Date 日期:First Wednesday of the month 每月第一個星期三
Time 時間:10am-12.30pm
Venue 地點:St Michael in the City, Upper Pitt St, Liverpool L1 5BD
Entrance 費用:£ 2
Register Online  網上報名  
Enquiry查詢: Angel or Maggie 0151 7092643


Nov 29 2023


10:00 am - 12:30 pm


St Michael in the City
L1 5BD